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Strategic Planning

I help individuals and organizations have clarity over what strategic decisions are needed in their organization in order to accomplish their vision and mission. 

I provide frameworks and tools as I guide your team in making informed decisions, engaging your ecosystem, aligning your values, and translating them all into actionable strategies.



I explain, you do - Strategic Planning Workshops

Participate in three 4-hour workshops on strategic and action planning, covering the basics of the process, terminology, tools, and approaches. You'll leave the workshops with a toolkit and clarity on how to craft your strategic process. 

Recommended for organizations with budget constraints for full consulting accompaniment. This can be customized for your strategic planning committee or a general workshop with other organizations that you can invite on the same dates to share the costs. 

Approximate cost*: $4,000 - $7,000

*Depends on format (in-person or virtual),  language needs, and number of participants.

* Cost may be lower depending on needs and scope. This costs reflects three comprehensive workshops with resources and templates for you to use. 


You do, I support - Capacity Building I

Mentorship support for those already guiding their own organization's strategic planning process. On-call support as a thinking partner to offer ideas and tools as you lead your internal strategic and action planning processes. 

Recommended addition to strategic planning workshops. 

Cost starting at: $1,500+ 


We do - Capacity Building II

Hire my team to accompany your organization in your strategic planning process. This option involves more capacity building, in which you are actively engaged with us in all phases. We will provide the structure and tools, and facilitate the planning retreats. We will also provide you with support and guidance as you collect and analyze data (consultation), and write the final plans.

Approximate cost*: $10,000 - $15,000+
*Depends on the level of desired capacity building, approach for consultation, and format (in-person or virtual).


"I" do, you participate - guidance, research, facilitation, and writing 

While all options involve a form of capacity building, this phase puts more of the bulk of the process on my team. You will participate as members of a strategic planning committee to give direction to the process, act as participants in consultations and planning, and support the writing of the final plans. My team and I will take care of collecting and analyzing data (consultation), presenting you with summaries to help you make informed decisions during the retreats, facilitating your decision-making processes during the planning retreats, and drafting your initial strategic plan. 

Approximate cost*: $15,000 - $30,000+

*Depends on the scope for consultation, and format (in-person or virtual).


'Why' Discovery Sessions for Individuals

Having a clear sense of why we do what we do is not only beneficial for organizations but also for individuals. 'Why' discovery sessions walk you through a process of figuring out what is your raison d'être to help you understand how to find the opportunities that give you the most meaning. I use the methodology proposed by Simon Sinek by starting with why to get to your how (values, actions, value propositions, principles) and your what (job, services). This is an individual-strategic visioning exercise to help you name your vision, mission and values. 

Understanding my why was a truly revolutionary revelation for me, helping me find joy and purpose in ways that challenge the capitalist systemic lessons ingrained in us. 

Cost*starting at: $750+ (minimum 5 sessions)

*Depends on the number of sessions, additional accompaniments, and format (in-person or virtual).

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Book a free discovery call with me to discuss the various options available to you and explore what we can co-create! 

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